The influence of microblog interaction onconsumers brand attitude 品牌微博互动对于消费者品牌态度的影响研究
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I am Zehan Yan a postgraduate student. I am requesting your participation in a study regarding explore the influence of different types and number of microblog interaction on consumers’ brand attitude. The study should last approximately 5 minutes. You will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire. Personal information will not be released or viewed by anyone other than researchers involved in this project. A debriefing statement will be given to you upon completion of the study. Any information you give will be kept completely confidential and in no cases will responses from individual participants be identified. As with any piece of research it is important to consider whether there are any risks to participants. The study involves minimal risk to participants (i.e., the level of risk encountered in daily life). There may be no direct benefit to you other than the sense of helping the public at large and contributing to knowledge. All responses are treated as confidential, and in no case will responses from individual participants be identified. Rather, all data will be pooled and published in aggregate form only. Participants should be aware, however, that the experiment is not being run from a 'secure' https server of the kind typically used to handle credit card transactions, so there is a small possibility that responses could be viewed by unauthorised third parties (e.g., computer hackers). However, the data would appear only as a string of numbers, so your responses will remain totally anonymous. Visitors to this web site are welcome to complete the study, although they will receive no credit or monetary compensation. Participation is voluntary, refusal to take part in the study involves no penalty or loss of benefits to which participants are otherwise entitled, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled. If participants have further questions about this study, they may contact the principal investigator, [Zehan Yan,]. If participants have further questions about their rights or if they wish to lodge a complaint or concern, they may contact Head of Research Governance, Research Governance Office, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ. (Phone: 02380 595058, Email:您好,我叫严则韩,是一名就读于英国南安普顿大学的研究生。我请求您参与一项名为“不同类型和数量的微博互动对消费者品牌态度的影响”的研究调查,这项研究大约持续约5分钟。在此,您将被要求填写一份简短的问卷。请您放心,您的个人信息不会被除了本项目研究人员以外的任何人发布或查看,您提供的任何信息将被完全保密,在任何情况下都不会识别个人参与者的回复。在完成研究后,我将向您发送汇报声明。再次重申,本次调查数据仅用于本人研究生毕业论文使用,无其他用途,谢谢您的帮助。您可以用中文答题,如果需要的话。如果您(参与者)对这项研究有进一步的疑问,请联系主要调查员Zehan Yan,邮箱。如果您(参与者)对利有进一步的疑问,或者想提出投诉,请您联系南安普顿大学研究管理处 (电话:02380 595058,电子邮件