Hello, everyone!
I would be pleased if you could assist me in my academic research regarding factors influencing online group buying behaviour. Please find enclosed below the questionnaire for your participation. It will not take too much of your and I greatly appreciate your answers whatever they may be.The purpose of this questionnaire is to research factors of online group buying that could influence the behaviour of consumers. This questionnaire has two parts: The first part is related to questions regarding your online group buying activities; the second part is related to demographic information related to sample population.
I look forward to receiving your answer.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Part 1.
For the follow questions there are five options for each question from 1 to 5.
1= strongly disagree & 5= strongly agree.
Please choose the option that is applicable to you for the each of the question.
(OGB=Online Group Buying)
Strongly Disagree 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Strongly Agree 5 | |
1.This OGB could help me save money. | |||||
2.This OGB could help me obtain products easier. | |||||
3.I find this OGB useful. | |||||
4.Generally,IfindthisOGBtobebeneficial. | |||||
5.OperatingthisOGBwebsiteserviceiseasierforme. | |||||
6.IfindthisOGBservicesclearandunderstandablewhenusingit. | |||||
7.ItiseasyformetobecomeskilfulwhenusingthisOGBservices. | |||||
8.Overall,Ifindthattheoperationoftheseserviceseasy. | |||||
9.Iamlikelytobuythelowest-pricedproduct(s)thatmeetsmyneeds. | |||||
10.Whenitcomestogroupbuying,Ipayattentiononpricetolargeextent. | |||||
11.Whenpurchasinggoods,Ilookformorediscountedproducts. | |||||
12.ThisOGBgivesmeareliableimpression. | |||||
13.IhavetrustinthisOGBseller. | |||||
14.WhenIbuyaproduct,Iaminfluencedbyothersopinions. | |||||
15.WhenIbuyaproduct,IaminfluencedbyInternetforum. | |||||
16.ThisOGBcouldprovideaccurateinformationoftheproduct(s). | |||||
17.ThisOGBwebsiteshowsmetheintegrated/completeinformation. | |||||
18.TheinformationfromthisOGBwebsiteisalwaysuptodate. | |||||
19.ThisOGBwebsiteoperatesreliably. | |||||
20.ThisOGBwebsiteallowsinformationtobereadilyaccessibletome. | |||||
21.ThisOGBwebsitecouldadapttosatisfyadiversityofrequirements. | |||||
22.ThisOGBcouldprotectmypersonalinformation. | |||||
23.Iperceiveonlinetransactionsashavinghighrisk. | |||||
24.IamworriedwhetherIcangetaproductontime. | |||||
25.Iamworriedthatproductqualitymaynotfitmyexpectations. | |||||
26.IwillusethisOGBtobuyproductsandrecommendthiswebsitetomyfriends. |
Part 2.
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