mini Employee Engagement Survey 2014员工投入度微调查 2014

Welcome to participate 2014 mini Employee Engagement Survey of Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen. Your valuable comments will be used to help us to work towards creating an environment where colleagues may achieve personal and career goals.

We encourage you to answer all questions in this survey honestly and openly. Please complete the online survey by 26 October,2014  


我们希望您可以开诚布公的回答这些问题。请与 2014年10月26日完成在线问卷调查。
Please select your division : 
Executive Office 行政办公室
Finance 财务部
Food Beverage Service 餐饮服务
Food Beverage Kitchen 餐饮厨房
Human Resources人力资源部
Sales Marketing市场销售部
Rooms 客务部
SPA Health Club水疗中心及健身中心
Security 保安部
EO please select your department : 请选择您的小部门:
Executive Office行政办公室
IT 电脑部
Talent Development Program集团管理培训生
F&B Service please select your department : 
FB Service Office 餐饮服务办公室
FB Reservation餐饮预订部
Banquet 宴会部
Cafe Zen 鲜咖啡
In Room Dining 送餐部
Lobby Lounge 大堂吧
Shang Garden Bar 香乐园及酒吧
Shang Gourmet香坊
Stewarding 管事部
Kitchen please select your department : 请选择您的小部门:
FB Kitchen Office厨房办公室
Chinese Banquet Kitchen中式宴会厅厨房
Western Banquest Kitchen西式宴会厨房
Commissary Kitchen冷厨房
Cafe Kitchen咖啡厅厨房
Shang Garden Kitchen香乐园厨房
Rooms Please select your department : 请选择您的小部门:
Front Office 前厅部
HSKP Office 客房部办公室
Housekeeping 客房部
Laundry 洗衣房
HR Please select your department : 请选择您的小部门:
HR Office人力资源部办公室
Dormitory 宿舍
Staff Café 员工饭堂
SPA & Health Club please select your department : 请选择您的小部门:
SPA   水疗中心
Health Club 健身中心
Please select your level: 
Area Manager/General Manager and Service Executive区域经理/总经理和宾客服务行政管理级
Senior Service Manager高级宾客服务经理
Service Manager宾客服务经理
Service Leader宾客服务主管
Service Associate宾客服务员
Please select your service year: 
Less than 6 months 不足6个月
6 months but less than 1 year 6个月以上但不足1年
1 year but less than 3 years 1年以上但不足3年
3 years but less than 5 years 3年以上但不足5年
5 years or more 5年或以上
Agree同意 Tend to Agree 略为同意 ? Tend toDisagree略为不同意 Disagree不同意
The Core Values are apparent in the day-to-day behaviour of my director supervisor.我的直属上司的日常言行举止中显著体现了我们的核心价值。
There are sufficient opportunities for me to receive training to improve my skills in my current job.我有足够的机会接受使我能提高当前岗位工作技能的培训。
There are sufficient opportunities for me to receive training to increase my eligibility for a better job.我有足够的机会接受使我能胜任更好工作的培训。
My direct supervisor communicates effectively.我的直属上司具备有效沟通的能力。
My direct supervisor develop people's ability.我的直属上司具备培养员工的能力。
My direct supervisor gives me recognition for a job well done.我的直属上司能够重视我的贡献。
Locker rooms are excellent quality.更衣室具备优良品质。
Heart of the house facilities are excellent quality.后台区员工设施具备优良品质。
I think quality of food and drinks of staff restaurant is excellent.我认为员工餐厅食物和饮料的质量很好。
My performance is measured against clearly defined goals and objectives.公司制订了清晰明确的目标和宗旨,并以此评定我的工作表现
Overall, I believe the performance appraisal system appropriately rewards better performers.总体来说,我认为绩效评估体系能恰当地奖励工作表现更为出色的员工。
I think leadership will act on problems identified in this survey.我认为管理层会针对从这次调查中发现的问题采取措施。
Regarding the Shangri-La's core values, I believe: Leadership decisions are consistent with the values.关于香格里拉价值观,我相信管理层的决策与价值观是一致的
Shangri-La's culture is supportive of employees balancing their work and personal life.香格里拉的企业文化鼓励员工平衡自己的工作和个人生活。
We continually work to ensure our processes are as efficient as possible.我们不断努力,尽可能确保工作程序高效。
From what I know, our pay and benefits are as good as or better than the pay and benefits in other hotel companies.公司所提供的薪酬与福利与业内其他大部门酒店公司一样好,或者比他们更胜一筹。
Shangri-La has established a climate where the truth can be taken up the chain of command without fear of reprisal.在香格里拉形成一种风气,员工可以向上级反映真相,不怕打击报复。
The Shangri-La family of hotels is highly regarded by its colleagues.香格里拉大家庭旗下酒店受到员工的高度评价。
Hotel does a good job for promoting the most competent staff.我认为本饭店在提升称职员工方面做得很成功。
I am confident tha tI can achieve my career goals at Shangri-La.我确信在香格里拉能实现自己的职业发展目标。
My work gives me a sense of accomplishment.我的工作给我带来个人成就感。
The people I work with get along well together.我们同事之间关系融洽。
I have the tools and resources I need to achieve excellent performance.我拥有获得优秀工作表现所需的工具和资源。
At the present time, if I received a job offer from another company for similar work and similar pay, I would take it.
Yes 是
No 否
No Idea 不知道
Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with Shangri-La as a company to work for?
Excellent 非常满意
Good 满意
Average 中立
Poor 不满意
Very Poor 十分不满意

12题 | 被引用1次
