Workplace Stress Evaluation 工作场所压力评估

Welcome to this survey. The objecitve of the survey is to understand whether the amount of stress you experience in your job seriously reduce your effectiveness, and if yes, what are the factors that cause such stress.

感谢您参加本次调查。我们旨在了解您在工作中承受的压力是否严重降低了您工作的有效性, 以及产生这种压力的原因。

We will then strive for looking at potential actions that could help you manage your stress better.


Whether the amount of stress you experience in your job seriously reduce your effectiveness? 


(if the answer is C, then you can skip Q2)



Fully agree 完全同意
Partially agree 部分同意
Not agree 不同意

what are the factors that cause such stress?  (min 1 and max 5 choices can be selected)


Lack of job security 缺乏工作安全感
Organization Change 组织架构变化
Family Pressure 家庭压力
Lack of clear career development plan 缺乏明确的职业发展规划
Inadquate pay or benefits 收入或福利不足
Urgent Deadline 常常需要赶工
Poor communications 沟通障碍
Worry on making mistakes due to unaware of policy or regulation pertain tomy role 不清楚与自身职责相关的内部规定或监管法规,害怕犯错
Too much workload 工作量太大
Long working hour 工作时间太长
Relationship conflicts in workplace 工作中同事关系紧张
Coworkers often make careless mistakes 同事经常不小心犯错
Bad teamculture 团队风气不佳
Dealing with rude customers 与粗鲁的客户打交道
Uncomfortable physical conditions 办公室设施令我不适
Complex procedures 流程复杂
Too many manual process 人工操作太多
High turnover rate 高离职率
Unexpectedpeople release 同事的突然离开
Achievement is not valued or recognized 对公司的贡献得不到认可
No chemistry with line manager 与直线经理不合
Generation gap 代沟
No sufficient training to upskill myself 得不到足够的可以提升自身工作技能的相关培训
No sufficient support from line manager 直线经理对我的工作支持不够
Linemanager seldom listen to my opinion 直线经理很少听取我的意见
Others 其他

Please list down other factors result in your stress.



3题 | 被引用3次
