请填写您的公司电子邮件地址/Please fill in your company's email address
您是否已经从韬睿惠悦的网站下载了您所负责区域的员工满意度调查报告?Whether you have accessed Towers Watson's website and collected the report of your responsible area?
您是否可以从下载的电子表格文件中导出电子幻灯片?Whether you can export the PowerPoint Slides from the Excel file?
您是否需要重置您在韬睿惠悦网站的报告帐户?Whether you need reset your account in Tower Watson's website?
是/Yes (如果您错过了1月30日激活下载账户的邮件,建议选择此项目/If you miss the email to active your account on January 30th, please select this item)