裸心谷调查问卷 naked Survey

1. 入住体验 How was your stay?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
2. 裸心班车体验 How was your naked Shuttle experience?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
3. 员工服务 How was the service?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
4. 夯土小屋/树顶别墅 How was your Earth Hut/ Tree Top Villa?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
5. 预订体验 How was your reservation experience?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
6. 入住办理 How was your check in at the resort?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
7. 高尔夫球车接送 How were your buggy rides? 
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
8. 田舍餐厅用餐体验 How was your meal at the Farmhouse?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
9. Kikaboni by Stiller 用餐体验 How was your meal at Kikaboni by Stiller?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
10. 裸心味用餐体验 How was your meal at naked Bite?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
11. 别墅内用餐体验 How was your In-Villa dining experience?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
12. 娱乐活动 How was the activities?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
13. 裸叶水疗中心体验 How was your experience at naked Leaf SPA?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
14. 礼品店体验 How was your gift shop experience at naked Things?
棒极了 Fabulous
真不错 Good
还可以 Not Bad
不满意 Unsatisfactory
未曾使用 Did not use
15. 您还会重访裸心谷吗? Would you come back? 
您的联系方式 Leave your contact:
姓名 Name    ____________
电话Contact No.    ____________
邮箱 Email    ____________

17.上传您在裸心谷的美好时刻 Share your best moment at naked Stables 


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