Research on motor fuels (关于机动车燃料的调查)

Welcome|This research won't take much of your time. (欢迎参加本次调查, 这不会占用您很多的时间)
Gender (性别)
Male (男性)
Female (女性)
1. What kind of energy do you think is more environmentally friendly and produces fewer pollutants? (你觉得以下各种燃料中,哪种燃料更环保并且产生较少的污染物?)
Gasoline (汽油)
Bioethanol (生物酒精)
Petro-diesel (石化柴油)
2. For your next car, if given the option, which kind of car will you prefer? (如果能够选择,您更倾向于选择哪一种车作为您的下一辆车?)
Flex-fuel cars (弹性燃料汽车-可以将任何比例的汽油和酒精的混合物作为燃料)
Electric cars (电力汽车)
Hybrid cars (混合动力汽车)
Cars only fueled by fossil fuels (只能被化石燃料驱动的汽车)
3. Which kind of price level do you prefer, if both environmental concerns and other factors are taken into account? (如果考虑到环境和其他方面的因素,您更偏好那种价格水平?)
Gasoline, 1.47 USD/GAL (汽油,1.47美元/加仑)
Bioethanol, 1.55 USD/GAL, 5.4% higher over gasoline (生物酒精, 1.55美元/加仑,比汽油价格高5.4%)
Petro-diesel, 1.64 USD/GAL, 11.6% higher over gasoline (石化柴油, 1.64美元/加仑, 比汽油价格高11.6%)
4. Which order of efficiency do you think is correct? (以下关于效率的排序中,哪一个是正确的?)
1. Bioethanol (生物酒精) 2. Gasoline (汽油) 3. Disel (柴油)
5. Which process of production do you think is more costly? (你觉得以下生产的过程,哪一个更费钱?)
Unleaded gasoline (无铅汽油)
Diesel (柴油)
Bioethanol (生物酒精)

7题 | 被引用0次
