您好!我们正在进行一项关于汉语口语学习的调查研究。 希望您花几分钟时间认真完成这份问卷, 您所填写的信息将是我们研究的重要数据来源非常感谢! 祝您学习进步,生活愉快!
Dear schoolmates:
Hello! We are conducting a survey on oral Chinese learning. I hope you will take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire seriously,the information you write will be important statistics source of our survy. Thank you very much! We wish you progress in learning and a happy life!
学汉语口语,你认为困难的是 (多选) What is the difficult part you think in speaking Chinese ? (multiple-choice)
发音方面,你觉得困难的地方是什么? (多选)
What do you think difficult in pronunciation? (multiple-choice)
声调方面,你觉得困难的地方是什么? (多选)
What do you find difficult in tones? (multiple-choice)
阻碍你提高口语的主要原因是? (多选)
What’s the main reasons which hinder you to prompt speaking. (multiple-choice)
你有使用过哪些汉语口语类的 APP? (多选) Have you used some spoken Chinese APP? (multiple-choice)
你不使用/不再使用汉语口语学习 APP 的原因可能是 (多选)
The main reason why you don't use Spoken Chinese learning APP maybe (Multiple-choice) ?
如果你使用APP学习发音最希望通过什么方式进行? (双选)
If you use app to learn Chinese pronunciation, what are the most desirable ways to do it? (double selection)
用APP练习口语组织能力,你认为哪些方式更有效? (3选)
What is the effective way you think in practicing oral Chinese with APP? (triple selection)
20题 | 被引用24次