食堂用餐体验调查问卷 The Research on Experience in School Cafeteria

Dear teachers and students,
Hello everyone! It has been a month since the new term began. We really want to know how you feel about the food in the school cafeteria this month. Therefore, we made this questionnaire in order to understand your thoughts and needs. We sincerely hope you can fill out this questionnaire carefully and leave your thoughts here!
Management Department, Student Union
老师(不用答下一题)Teacher (Dont need to answer the next question)
您所在的年级?Which grade are you in?
高一 grade 10
高二 grade 11
高三 grade 12
您现在一周在食堂吃饭的次数(请为早、中、晚饭各选择一个选项)How many times do you usually eat in the school cafeteria a week? (Please choose an answer for each meal)
早饭 0~1次 breakfast:0~1 time
早饭 2~3次 breakfast:2~3 times
早餐 4~5次 breakfast:4~5 times
午餐0~1次 lunch:0~1 time
午餐 2~3次 lunch:2~3 times
午餐 4~5次 lunch:4~5 times
晚餐 0~1次 dinner:0~1 time
晚餐 2~3次 dinner:2~3 times
晚餐 4~5次 dinner:4~5 times
您觉得餐厅的荤素搭配怎么样?How do you think of the matching of meat and vegetable dishes ?
很好 very good
一般 average
不好 not good
您认为学校食堂的伙食是否符合您的胃口?Does the food in the school cafeteria fit your appetite?
符合 fit
基本符合 sort of fit
不太符合 not really
What other advice do you want to propose to the school cafeteria? (Please write down your thoughts and comments below. We will certainly collect your comments and feed them back to the school cafeteria!)  
您希望学校食堂新添什么菜品?(可以写种类、菜名等) What dishes do you want to add to the school cafeteria? (It could be food types or the name of the dish)

7题 | 被引用0次
