您的性别是 (What‘s your gender?)
您的年龄是 (What‘s your age?)
20岁以下 (Under the age of 20)
20-28岁 (Between 20 to 28)
29-37岁 (Between 29 to 37)
37岁以上 (More than 37 years old)
您的职业是 (What is your occupation?)
学生 (Students)
自由职业者 (Freelancer)
事业单位 (Business unit)
与运动相关的职业(Sports-related occupations)
其他 (Other)
您是否喜爱运动 (Do you like sports?)
喜爱 (Like)
一般 (Ordinary)
不喜爱 (Dislike)
您是否经常购买运动系列的用品 (Do you often buy sports products?)
经常购买 (Often buy)
一般频率 (The general frequency)
很少购买 (Rarely buy)
您是否购买过耐克的运动产品 (Have you ever bought Nike sports products?)
买过 (Bought)
没有买过 (Did not buy)
您购买耐克运动产品的途径有哪些(可多选)(How do you buy Nike sports products? multi-select)
耐克实体店(Nike stores)
耐克官方网站(Nikes official website)
海外代购 (Cross-border online shopping)
其他途径 (Other)
您是否观看过耐克的广告 (Have you ever seen Nike's AD?)
您了解以下哪种耐克的营销方式(可多选)(You know which of the following Nike marketing strategies? multi-select)
广告营销 (Advertising)
预售抽签 (Presell anddraw)
体验营销 (Experience marketing)
体育赞助 (Sports sponsorship)
创新营销 (Innovation Marketing)
其他 (Other)
您认为耐克的运动产品营销策略效果如何 (What do you think of the effectiveness of Nike's sports marketing strategy?)
效果好 (Significantly effective)
效果一般 (Ordinary)
效果差 (Poor effective)
您认为耐克在运动用品市场的主要竞争对手是谁 (Who do you think is Nike's main competitor in the sporting products market?)
阿迪达斯 (Adidas)
锐步 (Reebok)
美津侬 (Mizuno)
彪马 (PUMA)
新百伦 (NewBalance)
其他 (Other)
与其他运动品牌的产品相比,您认为耐克的售价水平如何 (What do you think of Nike's price level compared to other brands of sporting?)
售价较高 (High sale price)
一般水平 (Ordinary level)
售价较低 (Low sale price)
与其他运动品牌的产品相比,您认为耐克运动产品质量如何 (What do you think of the quality of Nike sports products compared to other sports brands?)
质量较高 (High quality)
质量一般 (Ordinary level)
质量较低 (Low quality)
您对耐克的售后服务是否感到满意 (Are you satisfied with Nike's after-sales service?)
一般 (Ordinary)
不满意 (Dissatisfaction)
您对耐克的运动产品的营销还有什么建议 (What other suggestions do you have for the marketing of Nike sports products?)