填写规则: 是 请填 “Y” , 否 分三种情况:如你加入了学习小组选否请填 "N" , 如因当时还没加入学习小组选否请填 "O" , 课程还没开始导致选否请填" -”
1. 比如有些同学是3月后加入学习小组的,因此错过了某些章节.没有参加分享与讨论都填:“O”,但是可能自己把书看完了,习题也做了。因此有些对应项目是填”Y“
2. 比如某些同学虽然加入了小组时相关课程已经进行中了,但是她/他没有参加分享,也没有参加讨论,那就填:"N",但是她静静地看完书,那就填”Y”
3. 比如4月份的课还没开始,你没看完书,很正常, 就选:"-";但有些同学已经走在前面了,书看完了也有可能填"Y“哦~
是否看完书 | 是否按时完成习题 | 是否达到目标正确率 | 是否参加分享 | 是否参加讨论 | |
Jan 9th/24th-HR Strategy Planning | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Jan 10th-DiversityInclusion(2018第一期学员) | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Jan 30th-Communication/TA | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Feb 15th-Total Rewards/Business Cluster | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Feb 26th-LearningDevelopment | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Mar 1st-Employee EngagementRetention | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Mar 9th-Structure of the HR Function | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Mar 14th-GlobalCulture Effectiveness | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Mar 21th-Workforce Management | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
Mar 28th-Organization Effectiveness Development | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
April 11th-EmployeeLabor Relations | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
April 13th-HR Technology | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
April 18th-Leadership | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
April 20th-Relationship Management | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
April 23th-DiversityInclusion(2019) | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
April 27th-Critical Evaluation | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
April 30th-Corporate Social Responsibility | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
May 7th-Consultation | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
May 11th-Risk Management | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
May 14th-Ethical | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
May 18th-HR in the Global Context | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ | ____________ |
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